Sunday, February 24, 2013


another cloudy day, grrrr
where is the Sun?
today is one of those days when I so easily fly away with my thoughts, somewhere nice warm and sunny.
where would you like to be today?

OK, back to reality, which is watching rugby... could be worse ;)
if you have no idea what movie to watch, in my next post I'll recommend a very good documentary :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I was looking at my old pictures-very old ones, and I found some from my childhood, when after many years I decided to cut my hair very short (I did it twice in my life). Before that my hair was very long so this change was pretty drastic. I looked like someone put a pot on my head, but I really couldn't care less then.
I don't think I will be so brave and crazy and careless ever again, but it doesn't change the fact that I find short hair extremely attractive.

What do you think?

Saturday, February 16, 2013


It's Saturday! my favorite day! After a longer than usual lie in and some shopping I went for a long walk.
The weather was amazing, still cold but so sunny! On the way I was enjoying very atmospheric view of little shops and romantic restaurants in a nice small village. One of the roads was called Wellington Road which was full of wellingtons-flowers pots by each gate. There were everywhere! Small sizes, big sizes, colourful and mono colour- like a festival of wellies! After few hours of walking, we came home tired but very happy. Now it's time for cold corona some pies and Breaking Bad.
Here are some pictures, enjoy:

The Spring is almost here!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

a big heart

Personally I don't feel any different today, I don't do anything special. Maybe it is because I say sweet things to him everyday, maybe because for last 3 years I feel like I won a lottery to be with such a lovely and caring person.
I remember though when I was younger, in the high school and university this evening meant some nice places like restaurant or cinema. me carrying flowers in my hand, feeling bit unconformable to see all those kissing couples around me. So I feel now kind of relieved not have to go through all of this again. Don't get me wrong I like to dress up, put high heels on and go with Phill somewhere nice, but not necessarily on 14th of February.
I'm looking at my wall calendar and by today's date I see a big heart-and I cannot remember have I designed it or was it there from the beginning...
oh well, celebrated or not, I wish you today all the sweetest!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday hair and the movie idea

The messy bun is my option for Saturday.
whether I go to the cinema, meet my friends for a drink or stay at home with a good book-a messy bun works!

and talking about cinema. warm bodies looks pretty funny:

I hope you enjoy the weekend. Yesterday we met our friend, today we are watching life of pi and tomorrow we are going to celebrate Chinese New Year!